In the encounter with the painting, we are met by the image. The figurative or abstract image conveys and enables, through the pigment: narratives and ideas. Since these only exist as theoretical constructions, the painting is driven away from the room to the thought; from "here" to "there". "Here", limited by the laws of physics, is replaced by "there", with its infinite potential. The painting as a picture is an illusion, but what does it matter as it can promise everything. When Kasper Nordenström Jung denies the painting its pigment, the image disappears, and the painting is thus exposed as an object. Without the pigment, the linseed oil becomes its own material: amber-like, immobile, and sort of sticky. In the linseed oil's encounter with the canvas, the canvas loses its softness and solidifies into a kind of wet transparency. The frame now appears with the everydayness of the wood. Without the picture, the painting remains in the room, "here", and almost seems to be asking itself why it is now needed. The question forces the painting to relate to its own materiality. Limited but real. Carrier of its own condition.
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